Holly A Ingraham, PhD

Professor Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Herzstein Endowed Professor

Postdoctoral Fellow - Salk Institute and UCSD (Rosenfeld Lab)
PhD in Physiology and Pharmacology, UCSD (Goulian Lab)
BAs in Biology and Psychology, UCSD (Revelle College)


    UCSF Profile: HA Ingraham 
    Email: [email protected]
    NIH_BioSketch_2024: Ingraham.pdf
    Neuron Q&A Essay: Link 


I was born in Ukiah, California, where my father worked for the Masonite Lumber Co., and my mother worked as a social worker for Mendocino County. Before landing in the East Bay, I briefly experienced the deep south in Laurel, Mississippi, where images of a segregated society, severe poverty for some, and the turmoil associated with federally mandated desegregation stood out.

Those who devote their lives to creative pursuits are often inspired by a single person or event. Mine came from an outstanding 10th-grade biology teacher, Mr. Jones, who introduced me to DNA at Ygnacio Valley, a public high school. An 1890 Bausch & Lomb microscope also came into my possession when I was ten years old after being shipped west from Worcester, Massachusetts, from my great-grandfather. I picked it up and began exploring the biological world of Northern California, never to stop.

However, sporadic events are not enough to support a lifetime of curiosity and discovery. That support would come via the State of California through an amazing and accessible public education system beginning at UCSD and through the National Institutes of Health, which has supported curiosity-based discovery research as an engine for improving our health and well-being. Unwavering personal support also comes from my husband, family, and mentors, who provide the personal strength and resiliency needed to overcome moments of disappointment, insecurity, and self-doubt. I thoroughly enjoy my life as a scientist and continue to be addicted to the rare experimental successes sprinkled among the many failures inherent in the scientific process. See my Q&A session in Neuron, November 2023 for more insight into how I view the world.

In partnership with San Francisco State University, I also direct the UCSF IRACDA Scholars Program with Dr. Ray Esquerra (SFSU and Ms. Anne Sufka (Coordinator) to broaden opportunities for those seeking to enter the nation's biomedical enterprise. Our efforts, along with generous funding from NIGMS and the UCSF School of Medicine, provide career development programming for a cohort of postdoctoral fellows.


Current research projects in the Ingraham lab:

  • Mapping hormone-modulated neural circuits.
  • How does lactation regulate a brain-bone factor in Kiss1 neurons?
  • Identify target receptor for novel anabolic bone factor.
  • Define estrogen-responsive cells in the gut epithelium.
  • How does estrogen promotes visceral sensitivity in the female gut? 

2024 FASEB Lifetime Achievement Science Award 

2023 Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Lectureship, University of Arizona

2023 UCSF Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award

2023 Society of Endocrinology, Transatlantic Medalist and Lecture in Glasgow, Scotland

2023 E.B. Astwood Award for Outstanding Basic Science (Endocrine Society)

2022 John and Margaret Faulkner Lectureship, University of Michigan, MI

2021 Elected Member National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

2020 Named UCSF Herzstein Endowed Professor of Molecular Physiology

2020 Inaugural International GCRLE Senior Scholar (3 chosen)

2019 Elected Member American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAA&S)

2019 42nd Steenbook Lectureship Award, U. of Wisconsin - Madison, WI

2019   Elsevier Keynote Speaker – Society for Behavioral Neuroscience Conference, IN

2018 Joseph Larner Memorial Lectureship Award in Pharmacology, U. of Virginia, VA

2017 Chancellor’s Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Leadership Award 

2012 Elected Fellow of American Assoc. for Adv. of Science (AAAS) 

2011 Named NIH College of Reviewers

2009, 2011 Plenary Lectureships Endocrine Society

2008 American Diabetes Association Champion Gala Honoree

2006 Herzstein Distinguished Investigator in Molecular Physiology

2003 UCSF Outstanding Faculty Mentorship Award Nominee

2002 Brook Byers Basic Science Faculty Award

2001 Williams Lectureship for Pediatric Research

2000 First Named Lectureship for Women in Society of Andrology

1997-2002 NIH-Research Career Development Award

1991-1992 Genentech Human Growth Foundation Award

1983-1984 W.M. Keck Foundation Fellow

1982-1983 J. Aaron Charitable Foundation Fellow

1981-1983 Muscular Dystrophy Fellowship