Lucas Cabrera-Zapata PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Neuroactive Steroids Laboratory, Instituto Cajal, CSIC, Postdoctoral Fellow
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, PhD
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, BS/MS

I received both my undergraduate and PhD degrees in Biology from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. During my graduate studies in Prof. Julia Cambiasso’s lab (INIMEC-CONICET, UNC), I studied the relative contributions of estrogen and the X and Y sex chromosomes in the sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus. My work was focused specifically on X-linked genes involved in neuronal growth and differentiation as key processes in the development of sex-specific neuronal circuits.

This research was enriched by two short stints undertaken in Prof. Luis Miguel Garcia-Segura’s lab in Madrid, Spain, and with the support of an EMHE-CSIC Program fellowship. After finishing my PhD studies, I was also awarded grants from Fundación Carolina and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) for a brief postdoc investigating the regulation of hypothalamic neuronal subtype specification by the X-linked gene Kdm6a in Dr. M. Angeles Arevalo’s lab at the Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Spain. I have recently joined Prof. Ingraham’s lab aiming to investigate how estrogen-sensitive projections from the hypothalamus modulate hindbrain function to affect overall arousal in females.


2021 SEGIB - Fundación Carolina fellowship (Spain) and IBRO-LARC exchange fellowship (International)

2018-2019 - “Enhancing Mobility in Health and Environment between Latin-American and Caribbean countries and Europe” (EMHE) Program, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

2014 - “Estímulo a las Vocaciones Científicas” Fellowship, Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional, Argentina

2013 - “Cuarto Centenario” Program Exchange Fellowship, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

2009-2014 - “Bicentenario” Fellowship to Engineering and Science students at a public university in Argentina, Ministry of Education of Nation, Fellowships Program